Asteroid might be the reason behind life on Earth? Here is what scientists claim - We The People ! [ Daily News ]

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Friday, July 26, 2019

Asteroid might be the reason behind life on Earth? Here is what scientists claim


Asteroid might be the reason behind life on Earth? Here is what scientists claim

New Delhi, News Nation Bureau | 23JULY 2019

Asteroid (Representational Image) 
We all know that water is very essential for our survival on Earth, but have you ever wondered where did it come from? Strangely enough, most of us will answer the question with a 'No'. During our school days, we were taught many a lesson about water cycle - evaporation, condensation, cloud formation, rain and all, but none of those books explained its origin, literally the very first thing about it. Even if there were any initial water or organic compounds on the Earth, it should have boiled off quickly, given to the fact that the planet was incandescently hot for the first few million years of its formation.
To be fair, the origin of our planet's water is an intricate story which you would find hard to believe. Yes! An atypical study, led by a group of scientists suggests that a type of asteroid which we didn't think may contain very much water could be responsible – simultaneously demonstrating that the solar system is probably a lot wetter than had previously been thought.
It has been a quite long time that researchers have been debating on the origin of Earth's water, but all thanks to Japan's recent Hayabusa2 probe that has finally cleared the air. Hayabusa2, which landed on a distant asteroid for a final touchdown on July 11, successfully analysed the source of water content of two grains.
The study, which first appeared in Science Advance, finds that both the grains contained up to 1,000 parts per million of water, which is much more than the amount that had been anticipated. While one contained 30 parts per million water, the other 300.
The study comes at a time when the Earth has been in the firing line of fragments of asteroids, with several giant space rocks moving dangerously close to the planet, triggering an end threat to the civilization.
Hence, asteroid, the factor which is perhaps the reason behind our existence, may also end the planet if smashed into. Is not it surprising? What do you think about it? Drop your remarks to the comment section below.

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