How many countries banned the EVM machine?
SOURCE ONLINE : 4/7/2019
There are countries which have done away with EVMs.
Here is the list of those countries and reason for their discontinuation -
Germany - Constituional Court banned the usage of EVM in elections. (Population - 82m)
The Netherlands - Dutch Council banned them because they lacked the transparency. (Population - 17.03m)
Ireland - Banned due to transparency issues. (Population - 4.7m)
England - No Ban, however they chose conventional methods of elections over modern. (Population - 53m)
France - No Ban, they chose internet voting method over EVMs -(Population - 66.9m)
Italy - They had run a pilot project however upon completion they went back to ballot paper. (Population - 60.6m)
USA - EVM without paper trail were banned.
Venezuela - same like USA
Now, you might want to know as to why have I mentioned population of each country at the end. This is to only highlight that administration can easily do away with modern methods of election and switch back to ballot paper or so, depending upon its size and population.
However, for a country, with over one billion population, can’t do it so easily. Such a country can’t simply emulate what others are doing since it will have its own unique problems.
Many countries have banned EVM since they can rig elections. Check the link for details.
1. EVMs can easily be hacked.
2. The complete profile of a voter can be accessed through EVMs.
3. EVMs can be used to manage the results of an election.
4. The EVMs can easily be tampered by an election official.
5. Even the election software of an EVM can be changed.
The answer is Yes. A resounding, loud and a clear - YES
There are just a whole lot of biased and uneducated answers. Most of the answers ignore the data available on the internet.
Who is guaranteeing the EVMs used in Indian elections are air gapped ? Air gapped means once the chips were manufactured and programmed, they have never been exposed to an outside medium, like the internet. Or have never been upgraded via software updates (through CD/DVD/USB etc). If a programmed chip which is used for such vital purposes has had any exposure to the outside world, it can be compromised.
To hack a machine is a very simple process. Suppose you have a calculator application on your phone or computer. If I wanted to hack the daylights out of it, all I need to find is a way to tell the calculator program to treat addition (+) as subtraction(-). There are a few ways for me to do this. One is to get you to open an email attachment which contains code which will do what I want it to - go into the source of the calculator program and make the change. The other is for me to corrupt a software update which contains the same malicious code - which you will apply to your Operating system without a second thought. And so on and so forth.
The makers of EVMs are everyday government workers at ECIL. Dont you think someone somewhere has opened his whatsapp/messenger on a computer linked to the internet and the programming of this chip ? Even Indian soldiers are honey trapped into giving critical military deployment information what do you expect from over-weight barely functional government workers in a dying department?
The challenge is not hacking - the challenge is finding the weakest link that will help a hacker hack. In Kevin Mitnick’s (Once worlds earliest and greatest hackers) words, it is a human being.
For a minute lets assume the holy EVM is not hack-able. Lets take a bird’s eye view at the ecosystem. How are the results from EVMs being collated ? No one is able to comment on this. So there are two possibilities - if it’s via a network medium - there is all the possibility in the world that the results can be changed during transmission. If its a human being communicating this result - it is even more easy to impersonate/threaten the reporting officials. So, who is guaranteeing that the results ? India uses at least 1.3m EVMs. So its a big business for government corporations now that they are selling these EVMs to countries like Nepal, Bhutan, Kenya etc. As an aside : Bangladesh’s EVMs are more secure than India’s :
EVMs more secure, say experts
The supreme court now wants Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) for the 2019 elections. I think the judges have very limited understanding of how technology, electronics and programming works. It is a very minor thing to tamper a machine - to print on paper the party you have voted for and still register the vote for which ever party you want this machine to be rigged for.
Most of the answers don’t even consider two world wide events - go watch this documentary called Hacking democracy - where the manufacturer of the EVMs was asked to favour a particular candidate in the USA. Then watch Zero days on netflix. This is a documentary on Stuxnet - one of the places where the NSA used this was to bug Iran’s nuclear production plants. The machinery in these plants was supposedly air-gapped and had tons of security features, yet they found ways to plant their bugs and stop Iran from whatever it was trying to do with its nuclear capabilities. I am hoping just these two documentaries should be able to hold your eyelids and pull them wide apart so you can wake up and see the light.
Edit : 23/5 So, there are news of a different kind of hacking of EVMs. Just replace the whole bloody machine !! How ingenious ! So, what they are doing is, at the end of the election day, when the voting machines have to be taken back to the HQ for tallying of votes, the workers are simply swapping the machines with the ones they have programmed for their favourite party. How the hell is a gov dept meant to deal with mess of this level.
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